Knowledge Is The Cornerstone
Of Your Business.
Try It for Free
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For Business

Within your business are a wealth of invaluable knowledge, skills and insights to be shared. And sharing those amongst the people who are your strength balances business goals with professional development. When everyone feels motivated, engaged and supported, you see increased productivity, greater self-confidence and skills, and employee retention.

Greater knowledge across the board promotes diversity and inclusivity, streamlines project management and helps you to meet any business objective from training to career mentoring, leadership development, performance, and succession planning.

A successful, sustainable mentoring program adds value for everyone involved. And we’re dedicated to helping you create a program that works for your unique needs.

How MentorCity can
help your business

  • Dedicated, reliable client support
  • User-friendly, Intuitive Interface
  • Customized reports let you decide who to connect and how and what to measure
  • Build the program to your own unique needs and at your own pace
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Foundations of a Mentoring Program Guide


What I love most about MentorCity is that it is an easy-to-use platform for matching mentors and Mentees. Even more importantly, it creates a friendly, safe, and confidential environment for communication between them. MentorCity also brings a lot of useful and supportive resources to the mentoring partners; they have access to how-to information and a great deal of encouragement. MentorCity provides the environment and education so that the mentoring partners can work and grow from a sound foundation.
~ Susan Bender Phelps, CEO, Odyssey Mentoring and Leadership
Engage. Inspire. Build your organization from the inside up.
Find out how. Take a tour.

For Associations, Companies, and Schools

Request a Tour to learn how MentorCity's online mentoring software can help you run an effective mentoring program for your members, employees, students, and alumni.

For Individuals (Mentors and Mentees)

Join our free public site and connect with individuals from all over the world. Choose from thousands of mentors who have specialized skills from a variety of industries and job functions.

Join your associations, workplaces or schools existing Mentoring Program that is using MentorCity. Please complete the following: