How mentoring builds confidence

Posted on June 22, 2018 - 12:26 pm

Self-confidence is key to both personal and professional success. But it doesn’t always come easily and there are days when a new challenge can shake our confidence. 

Sometimes that challenge goes well and the positive reinforcement that comes with it builds confidence. Other times, that challenge has a less than desired outcome forcing us to learn from the experience.

Having a mentor builds your confidence by guiding you through a challenging experience. He or she helps identify strengths – strengths that may have come from past experiences that you dismissed as irrelevant – and helps build your skills and abilities to meet the upcoming challenge. And, since a mentor has the benefit of ‘been there, done that’ he or she may share their own experiences.

A mentor helps you plan, prepare and practice, as well as offers support and guidance. That’s the power of mentoring.

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Lystra Henry-Ramsaran commented at about 6 years

Being confidence in the work place help us to look good and stand tall.