Espresso with my mentor within

Posted on May 12, 2015 - 3:16 pm

Have you ever read a book that left such an impact that you couldn’t stop talking about it? For me, that book is Playing Big by Tara Mohr. In her book, Mohr coined the term “inner mentor” although she originally learned about this concept at the Coaches Training Institute, who call the visualization exercise “future self.” Since reading this book and learning about the “inner mentor,” it is hard for me to have a conversation without talking about my experience sitting down with my inner mentor, who is me 20 years from now. Being able to meet my inner mentor was challenging. I tried about seven times and was unsuccessful each time. It was so difficult that I even fell asleep several times during the visualization exercise. My wife had met her inner mentor and I was determined to meet mine as well because I could see how the experience had changed my wife’s outlook. One night, I asked my wife to read Mohr’s visualization passage aloud but to change every feminine reference to a masculine one and that did the trick. The experience started with me walking up to his house; he lived in a nice place and I could smell the ocean. He warmly greeted me and prepared a couple of espresso shots that we enjoyed in his spacious office. He asked me to call him Gerard. I then asked him a few questions about what I needed to do to succeed. He responded that I needed to stay strong and confident. At the end of our conversation, he presented me with a beautiful watch. When I came out of the visualization there was a tear rolling down my face. The experience gave me a clearer vision of what my future looks like and what I need to do to get there. I felt reassured and extremely empowered because I now knew that all the answers were within me. And who knows myself better than I do? I still tap into the expertise of external mentors because their insight is invaluable, but I also allow my inner mentor to guide me as well. When faced with a difficult decision, I ask myself what decisions my inner mentor would make as well as look for guidance from my external mentors. Even though Mohr’s book is written for women, it is relevant and applicable to men. Once you meet yourself 20 years from now – everything changes. 



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Lalitha Brahma a commenté il y a presque 9 ans

I haven't read the book, but I completely believe that each one of us has all the answers to our challenges within us. This belief came from practicing certain daily rituals like 1. Deep breathing- inhale thru left nostril and exhale thru right nostril for 10 times and Vice versa 10 times. Gradually increasing the number thereafter. This process brings me to Present moment with a feeling of calmness and keeps me Centered. 2. Everyday writing down my thoughts and feelings in a Notebook. At the end I request "Infinite Intelligence" within me-Please give me the what/when/how/where answer to this challenge. 3. Then I sit quiet and literally listen to the answers. I start writing down every statement that comes up. Most of them are very compassionate, inspiring and leading to solution. 4. What I learned is that- I must embrace the conversation process patiently WITHOUT hurrying. In fact one statement that comes up quite often is "Lalitha all other things are being manifested for everyone at perfect time/space/sequence, while you are connecting with me now in the form of this conversation." This is very powerful and takes me out of hurried/scarcity/annoying/problem mode to abundant/calm and confident mode towards solution. 5. It works like magic and worth trying.

Jackie Chavarie a commenté il y a presque 9 ans

Have not read the book yet....but will pick it up as I completely agree that we have it in us, we just need to see it and capitalize on it. Well said. Thanks for sharing!! Jackie

Shawn Mintz a commenté il y a presque 9 ans

Espresso with my mentor within "How do I know what's really possible?" Knowing is seeing. How do you visualize yourself a couple years from now? What is an activity that you are doing? Where are you? How do you look? Who is with you? How does it feel to be doing that activity? How has that activity made an impact on your life? By answering these questions you will begin to see what's truly possible. "What's next?" It's good that you are thinking about what's next. This is a sign of moving forward. A lot of people get stuck in their past accomplishments instead of creating their tomorrow. Think about our conversation from yesterday, when you asked "How do I know what's really possible?". What can you do that will move you towards that picture of yourself a couple years from now? "What's up with this self-doubt thing?" Become friends with your self-doubt. The next time self-doubt creeps into your head - thank them for visiting and let them know that now isn't a good time. Then get back to doing whatever you are doing with confidence. "Why does it take so long to listen to my intuition?" Your gut and intuition may be telling you one thing - but your heart may be saying something different. That makes us human. However, at some point you need to actually follow your intuition and it is probably better to do this sooner than later. To see more conversations with my mentor within, please visit

Shawn Mintz a commenté il y a environ 9 ans

Thanks for your comments Rey and Cheryl.

Cheryl Siskind Solomon a commenté il y a environ 9 ans

I think I would like to go here! Sounds fascinating

Rey Carr a commenté il y a environ 9 ans

I like the idea of the inner mentor. We all have voices inside our heads giving us various messages, but to visualize a voice coming from the future and having a conversation with our future self is new to me. I can see how useful that conversation can be. Thanks for sharing your take on the practice.